Sermon Topics

Recent Sermons
April 30, 2017: "Defeating Goliath" 1 Sam. 17
April 23, 2017: "God Stuff": Exodus 3:13-14; Mark 5:30-34
April 9, 2017: "Letting Go of the Rope" Heb. 2:14-15.
March 19, 2017: "Rapture Rupture" 1 Thess. 4 & 5
March 12, 2017: "A Lively Lesson from the Least Likely" 1 Sam. 28:3-25
March 5, 2017: "A Word for the Selfie Culture" Philippians 2:1-11
Feb. 26, 2017: "A Good Word for Martha" Luke 10:38-42
Feb. 19, 2017: "The Price is... Right?" 2 Kings 5
Feb. 12, 2017: "A Place at the Table." 2 Samuel 9
Jan. 29, 2017: "I Did It My Way." Judges Ch. 17 & 18
Jan. 15, 2017: Song Service
Jan. 8, 2017: "The Doubt of Faith" Mark 9:14-24
Jan. 1, 2017: "Ch..Ch..Changes" 2 Kings 2:1-15
Dec. 25, 2016: "... And He Gave Him the Name Jesus." Matthew 1:18-25
Dec. 18, 2016: "How Do YOU Deal with the Baby?" Matt. 2:1-12
Dec. 4, 2016: "Why We Need John the Baptist" Mark 1:1-8.
Nov. 13, 2016: "Runner or Wrestler?" Gen. 32:22-32.
Nov. 6, 2016: "Taking the 'free' out of freedom." John 8:31-32
Oct. 16, 2016: "Be Careful, Little Mouths..." Prov. 15:28; Matt. 12:33-37
Oct. 9, 2016: "A Traveling Tale." Ezekiel 1
Oct. 2, 2016: "Kindness Matters." Micah 6:8; Matt. 11:29-30
Sept. 18, 2016: "Heavenly Horticulture." Matt. 13:24-31
Upcoming Sermons
Coming soon!